Treasurer FAQs
Does Minnesota PTA offer Treasurer Training?
Yes, Minnesota PTA offers Treasurer training periodically and also has virtual training on our website. In addition, you can find Treasurer Training and Resources on National PTA's website at Templates, Tools & Resources - Finance | Local Leader Kit (
What are the local unit requirements for an Annual Financial Review?
The Universal Bylaws require local units to complete an annual financial review. The scope and complexity will depend upon the complexity of your local unit. Some local units may have a budget and receipts that may require a professional to conduct an audit, while for other units an internal financial review is more appropriate. Additional guidance on this can be found in our Treasurer Training and Local Leader Tool Kit.

Our PTA would like to help an individual in our community by using PTA funds to provide them with financial support. Is this an acceptable use of PTA funds?
No, a PTA cannot provide funds to benefit a specific individual. Please see National PTA's policy on Sunshine Funds.

Can our PTA use a credit card? Can we use VENMO to take online payments? How should we be handling our banking?
Please see Minnesota PTA's Banking Guidelines & Best Practices.
Can a PTA purchase gift cards with PTA funds?
Please see Minnesota PTA's Gift Card Policy.
Should my PTA have insurance?
Yes, Minnesota PTA recommends that local PTAs carry insurance. One company that offers insurance to PTAs is AIM Insurance.