Unit in Good Standing

Your Path to Good Standing 

Nonprofit good standing means that your nonprofit has taken the necessary steps to comply with regulatory requirements. This includes registering with and reporting to various state and federal agencies, such as the Secretary of State, departments of revenue, state charity officials, and the IRS. Good Standing is also required with Minnesota PTA and National PTA in order to remain in affiliation, retain your nonprofit status, and be eligible for services, grants, and other opportunities. 

On average, it should only take about 10 minutes a year to submit all these items to our office to stay in Good Standing. Need help? Just ask! Want training? Just ask! We are here to help! If you are missing items, please contact the office.

There are three levels of Good  Standing… 

How do we maintain Good Standing?     

When do we submit Good Standing Items?     

Annual submission dates are: 

June 1st 

September 1st 

December 1st 

March 1st 

How do we know if we are in Good Standing?     

Use the links below for guidance on how to complete each item.

Officer Update Form

Use this form ONLY when your PTA is NEW or if you do not have access to Givebacks. Please update additional officers in the Givebacks platform.

Membership Remittiance Form

Use this form ONLY if your PTA has not setup your Stripe account in Givebacks. Include the fiscal year on your check.

990 Information (per IRS)

990s submissions must meet the critieria from the IRS. Report your submission to Minnesota PTA through Givebacks.

Standing Rules Information

Navigate to the Bylaws page for the templates and Standing Rules instructions. Contact bylaws@mnpta.org if you need assistance.

Secretary of State Renewals

Please refer to this information for Secretary of state RENEWALS. Contact the office for initial filing information.

Financial Review

PTA's should conduct an annual financial review. The review helps balance the income and deficits, to ensure transparency over the assests and expenses of the association.

Insurance (Reccomended)

Insurance is not required but is HIGHLY reccomended. Please visit our partner website for more information.

Standards of Affiliation: The National PTA Standards of Affiliation (SOA) is a policy of the National PTA Board of Directors that defines the relationship between the state constituent associations and National PTA, including what National PTA will provide to those associations. The policy sets the standards for a successful state constituent association; protects the National PTA name, identity, and brand; and ensures that all will be treated fairly and equally. 

National PTA & Minnesota PTA recognizes its responsibility to preserve the reputation and trust of the PTA brand through support of its constituent associations from local to state. The SOA is in place to ensure state constituent & local constituents align all communications and actions with National PTA’s vision, mission, values, and policies and to comply with applicable federal laws. In addition, all associations shall support the current National PTA legislative and advocacy priorities and only take public positions which are consistent with adopted National PTA positions and resolutions. 

Minnesota PTA will be adopting new Standards of Affiliation (SOA) to help guide local constituent associations in Minnesota through the requirements of the National PTA Standards for Affiliation. At this time our association defaults to the rules and regulations of National PTA's SOA when in reference to our local constituent associations in Minnesota.